4 Hour Body Recipes
Looking for a great new slow-carb recipe?!
Here’s a selection of meals that are easy to prepare and follow all the rules of the slow carb diet. Most of them were taken from Tim Ferriss 4 Hour Cookbook, that comes as a bonus with the book and modified to get even tastier dishes with less work. It is suggested you take a selection of meals and eat them over and over again, because it leaves you less excuses to follow your diet properly. Just double the ingredients and cook twice the amount. Most of the meals can be reheatet easily and kept in the fridge or even freezer for a couple of days.
Not sure what you can eat safely?!
Following a diet to a point that uses food you don’t like is hard. If that’s the case for you with the Four Hour Body then you need to find other foods that you like eating over and over again. If you are unsure what is safe to eat and what not, check out our list of legal foods. Please also take the time to read through the article on Slow Carb Cooking in order to understand the basics of why you can eat some product but not another.
How about speeding things up?!
At the end of the day it all comes down to one thing: Your own metabolism. It dictates how much food you can eat without gaining weight. There’s are a few methods to influence your metabolism, so it burn more calories and thus loose more fat quicky.
Further Reading: Beyond the 4 Hour Body
The Four Hour Body is a great book, that covers a wide variety of topics. If you feel like to need a little more detailed information on one or the other topic, here are a couple of suggestion: